Legendary Potency – Forbidden Secrets of Most Potent Men in History

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ATTENTION: Men suffering from erectile problems…

Previously Banned & Labeled As Heresy & Witchcraft In 3 Religions


Over 1,600 Years Because It Reversed Testosterone Decline &


Average Joe’s Into “Men of Steel”

No Matter What Their Age or Health

Wednesday August 24, 2022

By Scott Greene



Dear Friend,

If have sex problems, potency problems, or even full blown ED. . .

For any reason. . .

And are tired of all gimmicks, expensive pills, and supplements that do nothing but
prey on your desperation . . . this may well be the most important message ever read.

Here’s why:

I’m about to teach you how to completely annihilate all traces of ED,
reclaim your sexual youth and more – using dozens of long forgotten “secrets” just recently
being discovered from the most potent men in history. . .

Secrets that have actually been banned & labeled demonic &

by over 3 religions and to use for over 1,600 years of human history!

But Were Exploited By. . .

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

Attila the Hun

Attila the Hun

Giovanni Casanova

Giovanni Casanova

Emperpr Nero

Emperor Nero


King Tut

Tutankhamen (Pharaoh)

King Leonidas

King Leonidas (Sparta)

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee

Montezuma II

Montezuma II (Aztec)

King Louis XV

King Louis XV


Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great



King Solomon

King Solomon

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali






And not just these men. . .

But the original Olympian athletes of Greece, every Spartan from
the famous “Battle of 300,” Chinese Emperors, Egyptian Pharaohs,
polygamous Mormons, middle eastern Sultans, and more. . .

And it doesn’t involve any drugs, pills, pumps, exercise, weird psychology, or
learning sexual techniques of any kind!

King Leonidas

King Leonidas

But before I explain all that, let me introduce myself. Hi, my name is Scott
Greene and I’m a researcher, historian, & men’s health author (maybe you’ve heard of me).

And when I tell you you I’m going to teach you the biological “cheat codes” of EVERY
man I just listed above . . . men like King Leonidas . . . who as 60 years old
when he fought alongside his army of 300 Spartans & held off over 20,000 Persians in 480 B.C.
. . . I’m not kidding.

But first let me backtrack for a bit.

Because ED is not your fault – nor is this natural!

This Idea That ED Is “Just a Natural Part of Aging” Is Bullshit.

You’re Secretly Being Neutered
– Someone Is Literally Waging a

War On the Very Thing That Makes You A Man –

& You’re Losing

Listen carefully:

According to the University of Wisconsin . . . right now . . . approximately 20% of western men
in their 20s have at least “mild to moderate erectile dysfunction.”

As if that isn’t disturbing enough, that number increases by 10% with each decade – meaning 30% of
men in their 30s have or will have some form of ED – as well as 40% of men in their 40s, and 50% of
men in their 50s!

And before you ask if that’s normal, get this:

The average man’s sperm count has plummeted to the point
where it’s less than half of what it was
in 1945 – hell, studies say 20% of young males today have sperm counts so low they’re almost sterile!

And it’s all because. . .

Our Testosterone Has Been Decreasing By a Rate of About 1.2%

Year Since at Least 1987 – Meaning

It’s Already 36% Below

What It’s Supposed To

Be – And is
Projected to Hit 50% by 2028

-Travison et al, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism

Testosterone Decline Chart

Look at this chart. You think this is normal?

Testosterone Decline Chart

Let me answer that for you: NO – it’s absolutely not normal.

Something is killing our testosterone – and almost nobody wants to talk about it.

I don’t know about you . . . but when I see these statistics – I feel like I’ve
been robbed!

Think about it . . . if your testosterone levels were as nature intended, you’d not only have zero potency
problems. . .

You’d be naturally thin, have the strength of an ox, and probably be making a lot more money. . .

But that’s not the case, because. . .

Western Society – As Well As Its Medicine –

Has Absolutely Failed You As A Man

Just like it failed me.

Don’t tell my friends, but just a few years ago I too had a serious potency problem that
nearly destroyed my life. . .

Sad Man

I wasn’t even 45 when it started.

There was nothing different about that night, but for some reason . . . after coming home from a
friend’s dinner party . . . when I pulled my wife’s dress off . . . my penis stayed soft.

I waited, but nothing happened. She tried to make it happen, still nothing.

“Guess you must be tired,” she said.

And that’s what I told myself too . . . even when it happened again 3 weeks later . . . and then a week after
that. . .

It took 3 months for me to admit I had ED, and by then it was happening every week.
Before I knew it, my body had betrayed me in the most humiliating way

I Was Ashamed to Tell Her I Could No Longer Get

an Erection – That I Could No Longer Please Her

As a

Man or Fulfill My Duties As a Husband


My confidence plummeted.

And even though I tried to hide it, mentally I was a wreck. . .

I was constantly worried those around me would
somehow find out and view me as one of those men who “couldn’t get it up.”

The hardest part was telling my partner.

Months went by without the passionate,
“spur of the moment” sex that had defined our relationship previously . . . and my constant excuses to
avoid being intimate with her were
taking their toll. . .

Eventually I got the courage to seek help and . . . even though I really didn’t want to rely on drugs,
I just didn’t know what else to do . . . so I swallowed what was left of my pride along
with that first little blue pill. . .

In total I took it on 2 different occasions, & even though it sort of worked I told myself
I would never take it again. Because of the side effects. . .

It started with a bad headache, followed by difficulty breathing, chest pain, and really fast irregular heartbeat.

It Was So Bad I Was Going To Call an Ambulance & Go To

the Emergency
Room Because I Thought I Was Going

to Die or Get a Stroke or Heart Attack!

Eventually the symptoms went away so I didn’t call the ambulance but then I looked at page 2 of the drug
leaflet & I couldn’t believe the list of dangerous side effects that were there!

Side Effects

And that’s not even the whole list. Below it talks about sudden death (!)
, loss of blood flow to the heart, seizures!

Note this is the side effect list for “sildanifil,” the active ingredient of
ALL oral ED drugs

, not just Viagra. I’ve talked to a lot of men over the years and let me tell you, these side effects
are FAR more common than
this leaflet says.

Unhappy Woman

It was a late Friday night in August when she had finally had enough.

Shortly after we had gone to bed she turned to me and without saying a word . . . started stroking my penis through my clothes.
Somehow she managed to make me hard for the first time in months!

I knew I better act fast, so I rolled over to climb on top of her. . .

But by then it was already too late . . . my penis had already gone back to being useless.

“I thought you were hard,” she said. “Why can’t you get it up?”

What Was I Supposed to Say? That it Had Been 8 Months Since

I Had a
Natural Erection? That

I’ve Been Relying on Drugs to Make

Love to

Her? That I Was a Sorry Excuse of a Man?

Game Over

Even through the darkness I could see the look of pity on her face.

From that day on my whole relationship went to shit.

I tried it all, weird herbal pills
from China, creams, hypnosis programs, everything but surgery.

Everything went south. She would get angry and scream at me. We stopped kissing,
holding hands, even going out to dinner together.
It took 4 months for my reality
check came in . . . in the form of divorce papers.

And Let Me Tell You Right Now – Having the Woman

You Love
Leave You Because of Your ED Is the Worst

Feeling You
Can Experience As a Man

Obviously it was my fault, so I gave her the apartment and moved to the suburbs – where I basically gave up.

I got depressed, gained 30 pounds, and nearly lost my job twice. I became so ashamed of my penis I even
began to piss sitting down to avoid having to handle it or look at it & the man I had become.

Alone Bear

Eventually my depression and loneliness got to the point where I started to look to religion because I was so desperate for happiness.

That’s when I arranged to have lunch with a “maha-thera,” (a title given to Buddhist monks) from a local temple here in New York. . .

And that’s when I ordered the Turkish Pomegranate Onions – and he dropped the six word

“You Shouldn’t Eat That, It’s

“What do you mean it’s forbidden?” I asked.

I’d never heard this, but according to this monk onions – in particular onion juice
– was forbidden to
Buddhists because they cause “aggression” when eaten raw & act as “aphrodisiacs”
when cooked, each of which “disturbs a peaceful mind” & “interferes with meditation



I stared at him blankly. “Sounds like an old wives tale to

I honestly thought it was nonsense. I had already tried every popular solution out there,
and now this old monk was telling me a vegetable
costs 90 cents a pound could suddenly cure my problem?

No way! If the solution was so simple, I would’ve heard about it!

But his comment stayed with me, so that night I looked it up . . . and wow
was I stunned. Not only was the monk right, this onion thing actually had peer-reviewed
science behind it! That’s when it dawned one me. . .

What If the Ancients Knew Something

Combating ED Thousands of Years Ago?

Penis Tree

“Forbidden Tree” from 1265 A.D.

Penis Tree

“Forbidden Tree” from 1265 A.D.

So let me briefly share with you what I learned about onions.

Onions were banned for Buddhist, Hindu & Egyptian monks & priests thousands of years ago & all for the same reason:

They considered onions to be
sexually stimulating & feared they would monks to break their vows of celibacy!

And get this:

Onion juice has been proven to increase the size of
in rats in multiple studies
going all the way back to 1967! Heck, one 2009 study conducted at a Persian University
found that giving animals just 1 gram of onion juice per kg of body weight boosted
testosterone in males by a whopping 314%
in just 20 days!

I dug even deeper . . . & found out ancient Roman gladiators used to
drink onion juice by
the gallon & even rubbed it into their skin between fights to “firm up the

Yes, Ancient Gladiators Had a Secret Testosterone Boosting

Technique So
Powerful It Made Their Balls Literally

To Contain It All

Big Balls

I’m 100% serious about that last part.

Within several weeks of adopting the formulas mentioned on this page you will notice an
increase in the size of your balls both physically & mentally.

This is totally normal & nothing to be alarmed about.

Larger testicles are linked to higher testosterone & stronger erections and are a tell-tale sign ED
will soon be a thing of the past.

Ancient priests knew about this too – they told men they’d go to HELL for it!

And This is Just One of the 77 Forbidden
Virility Secrets

I’ve Managed to Uncover Based on Real Historical Data

old book

“De Animalibus” – one of the actual books I used.

I got so excited when I first stumbled upon this I stopped watching TV and instead spent all my free
time going to university libraries to access scientific journals & photograph pages of old books.

I didn’t just read, I interviewed ED sufferers, along with every doctor, herbalist, and historian who’d
lend me his time.

And let me tell you – the information I eventually found was shocking!

Not only are there exotic plants that have been scientifically proven by peer-reviewed
studies to contain substances that mimic testosterone in the blood
, exploit biological loopholes
to literally transmutate asexual hormones into sexual ones, and clear out your arteries
so that more blood can reach your penis. . .

All with virtually zero side effects. . .

But These Remarkable Substances, Along With

Information on Their
Use, Were Shunned, Ridiculed,

and Classified as Heresy & Witchcraft

by the Catholic

Church & Other Religions for Over 1,600 Years


What the Church preached would happen to men who used this. . .

Yet were highly sought-after & prized by men such as those mentioned previously. . .

Heck, some historians even believe the desire for some of these legendary substances contributed
to the invasions of countries!

By the end of my research, I had written 250 pages of notes.

That’s when the real fun began. I immediately started experimenting with strange plants from
around the world . . . many of which turned out to be much cheaper
than I expected. . .

(You’d think a concoction used by men who had literal harems
& over 30 wives would be expensive, but I guess not.)

That’s When Everything Changed For Me

Increase Testosterone

Within a few short weeks I went from living nearly 2 years without even a “chemically induced” erection –
to waking up with the biggest hard-on of
my life!

And I know this sounds weird but. . .

It was almost as if these legendary substances were rewiring my brain!

Increase Testosterone

Everything flipped. I became assertive, dominant, sharp.

Waitresses & casheir women stared flirting with me as if they could smell what I had done
. (Apparently it’s true what studies say about a women’s nose being able “sniff-out” high testosterone men).

Even the 30 pounds of fat I had gained while I was depressed began to melt off.

That Friday I Had Sex For the First Time

In Nearly 2 Years



And finally experienced why the world’s most powerful men have been using these substances in
secret for thousands of years. . .

It was with a waitress I had met at Denny’s several days prior (for those who don’t know,
Denny’s is a restaurant chain famous for its pancakes).

Her name was Marisa and she was 10 years younger than me.

Words cannot describe what I experienced that
night . . . coming from a world of extreme loneliness, inadequacy and isolation. . .

Trust me, you haven’t seen a woman turned on until you’ve tried this. She kept screaming for
more, deeper, harder, faster . . . round after round.

I had defeated ED. My
was back.

Now I Know What You’re Thinking – If This

Solution Is So

and Effective,

Why Isn’t Everyone Using It?

Indian Wall

Indian Wall

Here’s the answer:

People simply don’t know this solution

There are almost no modern books about it! Instead the craze is on ED drugs,
and that might be fine if drugs were a long term solution. . .

But they’re not.

Because according to a University of Alabama study published by the Journal of Clinical Urology – 48% of
men proscribed ED pills discontinue using them in less than 11 months “because of loss of efficiency.”

That means the drugs stopped working!

And listen to this:

At Least 1,824 Deaths Have Been

Viagra Alone Between 1998 and 2007

-Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2012

Sexy Legs

Sexy Legs

ED drug companies are as crooked as they come.

Don’t believe me – just look at the New York Times!

And you’ll see Pfizer – the company that invented & owns Viagra . . . plead guilty &
paid a $60 million fine in 2012 after being caught red-handed
engaging in bribery in
over 8 countries worldwide – including China, Russia, and even

Not only did they bribe government officials with millions of dollars of free equipment,
weekend vacations with a “companion,” and direct cash payments. . .

Box of Cash

But they went to thousands of individual doctors & did the same – and said
there’d be more “gifts” if you proscribe loads of Viagra!

And it’s not just them, every big drug company involved in the ED business (Eli Lilly, GlaxosSmithKlein, Bayer) has
plead guilty & paid huge fines for the same exact crimes & worse – heck, Bayer’s fine was $257 million!

Suitcases Full of Cash & All-Expenses-Paid Weekend Vacations

Free $10,000 Hookers – That’s How the Dollar-Crazed

Companies Promising

You Help Really Operate

But enough of gloom and doom – I’ve got good news for you.

You’re about to turn the tables on these pill-pushing hucksters . . . because
I’ve created a proven system based on my research . . . just for men like you.

Introducing. . .

3 Book Bundle
Forbidden Secrets of the Most Potent Men in History

To call this 429 page encyclopedia the ultimate weapon against
ED and age or health-related masculine decline ever created would be an understatement.

I’d also like to point out that EVERY man whose image you saw at the top of this page is
mentioned in some way in the 3 volume set you’ll get as part of my advanced program.

You’re literally minutes away from having the virility boosting secrets of Bruce Lee, King
Leonidas, Alexander the Great, & countless others. . .

Introducing the Real Solution to ED the World’s


Men Have Been Using for

Thousands of Years

Legendary Potency Book

Legendary Potency

The Forbidden Virility Secrets of Gladiators, Emperors &
the Most Potent Men in History

  • The core system of strategies & techniques designed to take you – even from absolute
    zero where
    you think you’re old & “past it” – to a sexual state rarely
    experienced even by men in their
    early 20s
  • The history of forbidden substances & the legends that caused the
    Catholic Church and other
    religions to launch a crusade against them – plus which historically influential men
    mentioned above used what & why.
  • Meal plans, step-by-step instructions, a list of 77 legendary substances, in-depth
    explanations of how to use each one, the science behind how they work – plus tips on how
    obtain them all at dirt cheap prices…
  • A guide on how to put this massive heap of information together & apply it through my
    easy-to-follow 6-week program that’ll change your sex life forever
    (it’s 100% fool-proof)!
  • The 6 things you need to do in order to make it biologically
    for you not to get
    your erections back & shock your woman with your newfound youth.

Page 184 – The little known plant used to treat sexual
dysfunction since ancient Greece that you’ll never see sold because it’s too

even though studies conducted at the University of Singapore and others have shown
men who take it get more frequent erections, higher volumes of ejaculate, improved
muscle density, and a 23% boost in lean body mass with no
side effects in just 8 weeks!

Page 165 – The food Alexander the Great
is said to have included in his soldiers diets to
increase their courage and physical endurance. (Muhammad Ali was also a big
fan of
this & consumed it regularly as part of a special strength boosting formula prepared by
his trainer).

Page 197 – The long forgotten flower manufactured into
wafers by American Mormons
in the 19th century & sold to their polygamous brethren so they could
please their many
wives. (It was originally used by the ancient Mayans & Aztecs as a sexual stimulant and
has recently been
clinically shown to counteract testicular atrophy).

Page 170 – Which little known white nut
(which you’ve probably never bought yet is
found in small jars in most supermarkets) was proscribed thousands of years ago in the
Mediterranean for men who wanted to restore their sexual vigor. (It’s rich in a substance
revealed in a 1996 study to double testosterone in senior

Page 71 – How to identify & eliminate the 15 toxic
“virility apocalypse” chemical food additives sapping your
masculinity – one of the top root causes of declining testosterone and sperm
in modern males. (If you’ve never heard of acrylamide,
organochlorides, or polychlorinated biphenyls you need to see this ASAP).

Page 111 – The large fruit native to Mexico & the
Caribbean considered so sexually potent by native tribes that only men were
permitted to eat it.
(You’ve most likely never even seen this before but I’ll
teach you exactly how to find it).

Page 118 – Which now common dried fruit used to be served
in Elizabethan brothels during the 16th century because it
was thought to “increase lust” (it was so taboo to eat this for centuries that when rumors
went around in the 1930s that it was an ingredient in Dr. Pepper, the soft
drink company launched a whole marketing campaign to dispute them).

Page 171 – Which nut was recently shown to significantly lower ED symptoms & boost overall sexual
satisfaction in just 3 weeks of daily consumption (the scientists actually used men with ED
for their study).

Page 205 – The only root vegetable recommended in the
ancient Kama Sutra (the 1800-year-old Hindu love manual)
for igniting sexual passion. (It’s recently been shown to boost testosterone production by
17% and was also used by Madame du Barry, chief mistress to King Louis XV, to seduce the
king into her personal slave).

Page 120 – Which fruit juice was scientifically proven by
the University of Sussex (UK) to make couples kiss more passionately plus
boost testosterone by 22%.

Page 76 – Which toxic chemical found in many supermarket
foods has been shown to cause shrunken penises, atrophied
testicles, and weaker erections. (It’s one of the reasons average penis size has actually
decreased in recent decades).

Page 127 – How to use the 11 critical “sex vegetables” to
blast your libido into the stratosphere and make heart pounding intimacy last
(plus ensure you attain the hardest erections of your life) – now and
into the future, no matter how old you are now…

Page 74 – The 2 meats you should never
if you want to restore your sex life because they’re full of estrogen mimickers
& lower testosterone.

Page 110 – Which Chinese berry astonished researchers in
2013 with its amazing ability to reverse atrophied
in just 7 days. (Other studies have shown it heals human testicles
damaged by hypothermia with a 78.6% success rate & even increases the size of
in rats).

Page 85 – How the way you take your
showers can be exacerbating your ED & tanking testosterone. (P.S. It has
nothing to do with the temperature of the water).

Page 46 – What to eat to (literally) infuse your blood
with natural nitric oxide – the erection signaling molecule bodybuilders artificially
dose with
to increase recovery rates, boost endurance, & create the huge
“muscle pumps” featured on covers of muscle & fitness magazines – to increase blood flow &
give you massive rock-hard erections regardless of your age or medical history… (Don’t
worry, it’s perfectly safe)…

Page 258 – Which popular drink has been shown to shrink
size in men (the more of this you consume, the less of a man you become).

Page 212 – How an ancient “longevity herb” popular during
the Ming Dynasty of China can (according to the Taoist sage who discovered it) not only
treat ED – but reverse male pattern baldness & the
graying of hair
– and if you think that’s impossible, I’ve got a 2013 study
from Chungnam National University (South Korea) & another from 2015 (conducted in Yunnan
University, China) confirming all that and more! Don’t take my word for it, see for

Page 109 – What to have for breakfast, lunch & dinner in
order to have explosive sex TONIGHT… with a world-class libido &

Page 247 – The 3 species of fish highest in two essential
nutrients nearly all men with erectile or libido related issues are deficient in (as well as
a specific type of fish you should NEVER eat if you want to go back to
being king of the bedroom)…

Page 132 – Which ED busting vegetable used to be served
to bridegrooms in 19th century France at their per-marital dinner to ensure they would get
hard later that night.

Page 77 – Which cooking oil contains a
substance that’s been shown to feminize animals & trigger
sexual dysfunction if given in high enough doses (what’s amazing is this one is often
marketed as being healthy).

Page 82 – The 9 toxic estrogenic chemicals found in skin
care products & how your toothpaste, shampoo, and sunscreen can be
exacerbating your ED & tanking your testosterone.

Page 221 – A little Peruvian root that
grows in the almost inhospitable high altitudes of
the Andes Mountains has been shown to be so effective… in completely
curing male
that even after a dozen double-blind human studies… scientists
to this day
still don’t know
how just 1.5 grams of this daily skyrockets sperm count, improves
mobility, treats erectile dysfunction, or boosts libido in virtually all who take it..
Incan warriors use to eat this before conquering cities)…

Page 260 – Which fruit was eaten by religious Spaniards &
Italians in the 1600’s to “repress the rage of lust” and lower libido & erection frequency.
(Make sure you avoid this).

Page 156 – The one food in nature that contains the same
“love chemical” that triggers a dopamine
“pleasure spike” in the brain during orgasm (it also gets released when people fall in love
& is especially potent on women)…

Page 260 – Which of the top 5 most consumed vegetables in
the United States has actually been considered a libido killer & sperm
for hundreds of years.

Page 234 – Which Malaysian plant has actually been shown
testosterone production
when applied to human testicular tissue under
conditions. (It’s been proven in at least 6 studies, including one conducted in England,
to increase muscle mass,
enlarge testicle size, & boost semen volume, yet is almost never sold).

Page 215 – The South American plant the Catholic Church
tried to eradicate when they
reached the New World because it enhanced sexual pleasure. (It’s medically recognized as a
mild psychoactive & used to be popular among royal sex parties).

Page 183 – There’s a natural herb studies show increases “penile rigidity” in 64% of men
who try it. (It was shown to even work on men who were already taking “hard-on”
medications). Scientists at the University of Milan dubbed it a “natural Viagra.”

Page 243 – The forgotten food King
Solomon’s harem
wives used to prepare for him
every night almost 3000 years ago, which, according to legend, imbued him with such
virility he was able to have sex for hours and satisfy dozens of women a night. (A recent
Lebanese study of 2,722 men showed that 86% of men who took this
experienced an “improvement in erectile function”).

Page 191 – The ultrapotent spice Attila the Hun demanded as part of his ransom for the sacking
of Rome (I guarantee you’ve never even heard of this one, yet Attila the Hun choose it over
gold). Find out why.

Page 194 – How to literally get “HUGE
using a previously rare spice accidentally discovered by
Saudi scientists to cause substantial testicle growth when eaten in high doses. (The
researchers were originally testing it for toxicity and instead found it enlarges testes
plus dramatically boosts sperm count and sperm mobility). A pound of this used to cost
over a year’s salary
in ancient Rome, but you can get it dirt cheap today…

Page 99 – Which large tropical berry was dubbed the
“testicle fruit” by the Ancient Aztecs & forbidden to eat
by Spanish priests
due to its aphrodisiac properties. (Young Aztec girls
weren’t even allowed to leave their homes when this was being harvested).

Page 91 – How to stop beer consumption
from exacerbating your ED. (Nearly all beer contains an estrogen boosting additive that’s
been classified as a “quieter of erections” since 1858). Learn how to get
around it & enjoy beer anyway.

Page 124 – What fruit, according to researchers at a
Texas University, contains an amino acid which has a “viagra-like effect”
on blood vessels (scientist’s words, not mine).

Page 13 – Which fat-soluble antioxidant has been dubbed
the “sex vitamin” by scientists in Tunisia due to its ability to reboot,
regain, & ignite your virility in ways even the most expensive brand-name hard-on pills can
never achieve… (plus which foods are packed with it)… P.S. This one also protects your
sperm from free radical damage due to aging – meaning you’ll stay
potent even into your 70s!

Page 109How to feel 18 again
with the #1 ingredient used as a sex tonic in Asia for thousands of years to last longer,
have more stamina… and just deliver an all-around, more satisfying bedroom experience for
both you and your partner (which according to a 2011 study in Hong Kong has also been shown
to significantly increase testosterone levels in the blood)…

Page 107 – Which “holy” stamina boosting & skin
rejuvenating fruit was the favorite of history’s most famous seductress – Cleopatra – the Egyptian Queen whose voice “cast a spell
over all who heard it” & wrapped whole empires (not to mention Julius Caesar) around her
finger. (Hint: most Americans have only consumed this as an ingredient in a candy

Page 51 – The vitamin deficiency you probably have that
once addressed will instantly boost testosterone by 20%. (According to
Boston’s Mayo clinic, 30 to 40% of the male population is deficient in this).

Page 219 – Which plant contains two compounds that
neutralize estrogen and render it inactive – allowing you to hit the
testosterone jackpot even more!

Page 101 – How to replace hopeless, life-sucking libido
with new, fresh, and overwhelmingly powerful feelings of pleasure and closeness – using a
recently discovered enzyme believed by scientists to be the “most effective key” to
boosting a man’s sex drive & reversing ED
(plus which two cheap easily
accessible supermarket foods are packed with it)…

Page 141 & 205 – The 2 foods that most increase blood
flow to the genitals – ensuring you start waking up with a “morning wood” each day like you
did in your teens.

Page 55 – Which mineral was abundant for thousands of
generations in your ancestors diet – but is almost nonexistent in today’s
diet (it’s one of the main reasons men today have drastically less testosterone than their
grandfathers did at the same age)…

Page 58 – The 2 most common physical causes of ED & how
to address both at the same time (they’re not what your doctor told you).

Page 122 – The food European travelers once thought was
the secret of the Italian male’s “Casanova-like” nature. (It was quickly shunned & put on
the forbidden list for priests, devout Catholics, & English Protestants).

Page 181 – Which herb has recently been proven to boost
erection hardness, increase muscle mass, and reduce cholesterol by 26%! (It was also
mentioned in the ancient Kama Sutra as a sex stimulant).

Page 203 – Which animal product, according to a study
done in Russia, beat out all other known substances in its
ability to stimulate sexual behavior in rats. (It contains a precursor to human growth
hormone and has also been shown to boost testosterone & long term brain function). It’s not

Page 188 – The desert plant Genghis
– the Mongolian warlord who according to geneticists fathered so many children
that 16 million people alive today are descendant from him – consumed on a daily basis.
(Resent studies have shown it enhances learning, memory, and physical stamina).

Page 217 – Which sweet fleshy root was buried with
King Tutankhamen – one of the most famous Egyptian
pharaohs – for his use in the afterlife. (Over 50 pounds of this was preserved in jewelry in
his tomb, and not for sweetening drinks either…).

Page 246 – Which seafood Roman emperors had men carry to
them over 3,000 km from the Caspian Sea so it could be eaten fresh in their palace. (Aztec
emperors did the same thing & had it prepared for the women of their harems). Not oysters!

Page 261 – The two herbal teas you should never consume
if you want to have an active sex life. (Both of these were consumed by monks during the
1600s with the intention of destroying libido & their ability to get

Page 259 – The now popular commodity a group of
disgruntled women in 18th century London once petitioned against on the grounds it made their husbands weak and unable to satisfy them. (54%
of American men consume this at least 3 times a week).

Page 71 – Which substance (that most Americans consume on
a daily basis) was been shown by a Massachusetts General Hospital study to decrease
testosterone levels by 25% within 20 minutes of consumption (you
may as well buy a bra
if you continue putting this into your body). Find out
what to use instead.

And For After You’ve Solved Your Virility Problems & Cured All

Traces of
Impotency – I’ve Included “Extra” Information To Take

Your Sex Life a

Level Most Men Only Dream Of. . .

Page 226 – Which plant contains a unique compound with a
chemical structure extremely similar to Ecstasy – the
illegal “love drug.” (Its effect was thought of as so powerful that European court documents
from 1619 show men who gave this to women would be arrested for

Page 257 – What drink to pour your woman at dinner
that’ll (according to Italian researchers) boost her desire to have sex afterwards (you’ll
be amazed at how incredibly horny she’ll get…).

Page 278 – The dried flower you can give your woman in
“micro-pinches” (the equivalent of about 3 drops of water) to reduce her PMS symptoms by
over 50%, boost her mood and significantly decrease her likelihood of getting depression.
(Cleopatra used to bathe in this stuff)…

Page 50 – The amino acid combination male adult
film stars use
to increase ejaculation output & shoot bigger more impressive
“loads” (it can also relax your blood vessels, helping you get an erection faster)…

Page 129 – Which vegetable to use as the base of a salad
to put your woman into a romantic mood (it’s been used as
an aphrodisiac since the ancient Greeks & is now a medically validated arousal aid)…

Page 136 – The bitter green vegetable
known to contain one of the most potent male pheromones – androsterone –
which gets released in your sweat & has been scientifically proven to play a crucial role in
sexually arousing women… Hint: it’s often obsessively consumed by bodybuilders & is the
only vegetable Casanova – according to his memoirs – put serious effort
into making a regular part of his diet.

Page 134 – Exactly what plant to give a women who’s lost
her sexual desire to make her crave wild dirty sex & have her proactively
peruse it – through you! (It was used as an aphrodisiac in ancient Rome & has also been
shown to also improve the quality of breast milk).

Page 136 – The one vegetable Peter North – one the
world’s most successful male porn stars, known for his ability to consistently “drench”
women’s faces
with almost inhuman “load” volumes – ate religiously every night
& credited to being the source of his unique ability… (You’ll see the results yourself
after the third night of eating this)…

Page 156 – Which “aphrodisiac food” has been
scientifically shown to be the most effective on women – and exactly what herb to combine it
with to ensure maximum potency & make her seduce you!
(Don’t worry, she’ll gladly eat this without a fuss)…

And In Case That’s Not Enough I’ve Compiled a Recipe Book Featuring

Concoctions Used in

Ancient Harems
By Kings & Sultans

Who Had

Dozens of Wives to Please . . .

All Night Long

Potent Man's Recipe Book

The Potent's Man Recipe Book

34 Dirty-licious Dishes, Drinks & Other Concoctions that
Make It Insanely Easy to Safely Megadose on the Most Potent Substances on Earth

  • 23 simple recipes (and 11 complex ones) designed to bestow you with the biological
    “cheat codes”
    of men like Giovanni Casanova & Genghis Khan.
  • Simple step-by-step recipe guides, ingredient lists, & photos organized by
    breakfast, lunch, dinner & desserts – ensuring that no matter your taste preference,
    you’ll be able eat loads of potent aphrodisiac superfoods daily & see results almost
    . . .
  • How to turn the foods you already eat into testosterone boosting & ED crushing
    powerhouses using 3 different yet simple ingredient blends you can just sprinkle
    onto everything from burgers to cheese steaks to bbq wings & more.
  • A list of concoctions originally developed for middle eastern sultans who needed to
    please dozens of women a night in literal harems & still have the energy to rule
    empires the next day (I personally reverse engineered these based on ancient texts
    from the mysterious orient).

Page 68 – The primary meal eaten by the Spartan military during training & the exact
dish King Leonidas fed his men before they fought for 3 days in the famous “Battle of
300.” (According to legend, travelers who tasted this bizarre dish would remark “Now
know why the Spartans do not fear death.”

Page 66 – A libido boosting Incan porridge
prepared for newlywed couples
in Peru. (The Spanish conquistadors banned & outlawed
of its main ingredients
after colonizing the region).

Page 34 – A dish that was illegal to eat in
(except by the royal family) for
hundreds of years because it was thought to promote long life. (Recent studies show it
contains unique antioxidants that can help treat ED).

Page 80 – How to make a centuries-old cooking oil so
potent the Catholic Church
named it after the Devil himself due to the number of
forbidden ingredients it was
infused with – allowing you to instantly transform any dish into one that provokes rock-hard erections.

Page 72 – The “harem potion”
II (final emperor of the Aztecs) drank out of a
solid gold goblet each day before visiting his harem and having sex with dozens of
women a night.

7 recipes that if you showed to a medieval priest,
probably get a heart attack (the
very name of 2 of these is a mockery to the priesthood who earnestly
preached about
the sins the ingredients of these dishes made men & women commit – most notably the
sin of “abusyen” – having sex for pleasure).

This Is NOT Another Yummy
Glitter Topped

Smoothie & Green Juice Solution

Bitter Potion

Bitter Potion

Let me be blunt:

If you’re looking to
solve your
problems with pink smoothies, herbal pills, or sugar laden powders that taste like strawberry
milkshakes – leave this page now!

Many of the foods & recipes here really are delicious and easy to gulp down – but many
are not. We’re all men here so I’m gonna skip the sugar coating – some of this stuff
tastes plain NASTY!

And that’s because. . .

Giovanni Casanova & other men who used to attract and satisfy women by the horde
were eating some potent stuff.

I Know This Sounds Like “Too Much Information”
But I’ll

Show You Exactly How to Apply It

Easily & Step-By-Step

It’s like following a new health plan but with a twist. . .

No pills, no exercise, no restricted food groups, no dieting &
no calorie counting of any kind. The hardest part is
gulping down a few bitter drinks in the morning (which of course you can sweeten).
It’s just like drinking coffee.

I even reveal the sources where
I get my personal supply for some of the “more exotic” items.

Beach Girl

Just imagine . . . finally being free from ED.

No more feelings of shame, embarrassment, frustration. . . No more isolating yourself because you feel
inadequate. . .

Trust me I’ve been there.

I know you’re not only reading this because you want sex – this is about restoring your manhood.

It’s about “getting back in the game” – turning back your sexual clock 10, 20, even 30 years – back to
when you felt strong, virile – when you felt you could do anything & the romance
in your life was at it’s peak.

Think about how that feels . . . because when you order Legendary Potency. . .

You’ll Even Get My Bonus Guide on How to Intoxicate

Her With

Your Scent – Allowing You to

Romantic Moods & Bring

More Intimacy Into

Your Relationship Than Ever Before. . .

Sex In a Bottle Book

Sex in a Bottle

11 Sensual Scents Scientifically Proven to Be Arousing to
Women & How to Mix Them

  • The shocking truth about most mass market colognes and men’s fragrances & why you
    need to stop wearing them ASAP if you care about your sexual health.
  • The reason why women in particular are susceptible to sensual scents & how to use
    it to your advantage to increase your desirability (& if you don’t believe me
    consider this: 33% of men’s colognes are bought by women to wear themselves).
  • How to make special “niche fragrances” that are 100% natural & much higher quality
    than those commonly sold in stores (they usually cost $250 a bottle, but I’ll teach
    you to make them in an afternoon for less than 1/10th the price & be done with it
    all before your wife comes home). . .
  • The scent combinations used by high class courtesans in ancient Greece then
    described as being so seductive it “would arouse the desire even in an ancient.”
  • How scents can increase your level of attractiveness, reduce stress levels, boost
    confidence and alertness, & (according to the University of Cincinnati) even boost
    work efficiency
    by 25% (allowing you to have extra free time & more). . .

Page 36 to 45 – A comprehensive step-by-step guide to
making two special “men’s only”
incorporating essential oils proven to be seductive to women. (It has
to do with pheromones, takes 10 minutes to put together, and I’ve even included a guide
on how to get all the ingredients). Requires zero special equipment.

Page 29 to 35 – A detailed list of 11 naturally
stimulating & arousing scents you can
wear on dates, dinner parties, & use to set romantic moods (all of which
have been
shown to either relax female emotions or ignite sexual desire). . .

Page 26 – How studies have shown essential oils & scents
can produce measurable
physiological effects even during sleep (meaning this stuff isn’t just placebo). . .

Page 17 – The scent Emperor
of Rome payed the modern equivalent of $100,000
to show off to guests at his “Golden House.” (It’s been scientifically proven to relax
women & was one of Cleopatra’s favorites).

Page 35 – Which colognes, natural oils and soaps you should NEVER apply to
your skin, (as these have been shown to lower testosterone just from topical use).

Page 32 – Which essential oil was discovered in a study
conducted in Chicago to
instantly boost blood flow to the penis by 19.5% – just
through its smell alone!

Page 33 – Which oil (named after an Italian princess) is
a natural tranquilizer & has a
slightly hypnotic effect on those who inhale it.

Page 30 – The 3 floral scents women find particularly
seductive. (Hint: one of them only
blooms at night).

This Is Literally the First Time In History This

Information Has

Assembled Into One

Place & Made Available to Normal Men

Other men have told me I should be selling this for hundreds of dollars.

So let me ask you:

How much would you really pay for a guaranteed solution to all your sex problems,
plus all the strength & virility you had as a young man, without putting dangerous chemicals into your body?

How confident & proud would you feel if suddenly your biological clock was set decades back,
yet you were able to keep all the knowledge, life experience, and resources you have right now?

Would you pay $500? $1000?

How about $1,980 . . . the price Pfizer charged for an authentic 90 pill bottle of Viagra.

Let’s Be Honest – Most Men Would Pay Everything

They Got

For a Guaranteed Solution Like This

But you won’t be paying $1,980.

It won’t be $500, or even $250.

Because right now, I’m giving all this away for a measly one-time investment of $47.

It’s crazy, I know. For less than the cost of a Friday night dinner for two,
I’m offering to bestow you with the biological “cheat codes” of gladiators, emperors, and the most
potent men in history. . .

Here’s the deal. . .

eBooks Bundle

50% Discount

Click The “Add to Cart” Button To

Receive Your Pre-Sale Price of Just $47…


All The Bonuses (Worth Over $297)

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You’re FULLY Protected By My 100% Risk-Free,

60 Day Money Back GUARANTEE

My Iron-Clad 100% Money Back Guarantee


Try the Forbidden Secrets of the Most Potent Men in History system today risk free
& put it to the test.

My 60-day money back guarantee is your security blanket.

In the unlikely event you don’t 100%
agree this 3-book library is as powerful as I said it is on this page and that it truly does
contain the virility boosting secrets of Giovanni Casanova & every other man whose name I
mentioned and more. . .

Or are otherwise dissatisfied with it for any reason (or no reason at all). . . Simply email
me at Scott@LegendaryPotency.com & you will
receive a prompt and courteous refund.

There will be no questions asked, no hassles, & you’ll owe

No Shipping Required

It Doesn’t Matter If You Are a Young Man, or Past Middle Age,

Single or Married – This is Scientifically Proven Information

That Will Force Your Body

Into a New Sexual Prime

I’ve heard a lot of excuses from men before they tried Legendary Potency. Yet once
you try it they disappear just as fast as your flaccid erections. Here’s the biggest
excuses I’ve heard . . . and why they just aren’t true.


“But I’m too fat and sick to
cure. . .”

As long as you have a penis & can read and move your arms, you can reverse ED. It’s
not to late. Plus studies have shown that once men get high testosterone, body fat melts
away & gets replaced by muscle even if they sit on the couch all day eating pizza. It’s
that powerful.


“But I’m too old. . .”

Not for long. . . considering this diet can decrease inflammation and increase youth-enhancing
& body rebuilding hormones like testosterone by over 300%. It’s not a
fountain of youth, but it comes close. . .


“But I hate cooking (or can’t cook at
all). . .”

I hated it too at one point. But that doesn’t matter because many of the recipes in The
Potent Man’s Recipe Book
require no cooking at all. It’s really as simple as spreading
butter with a knife. I guarantee you’ll be shocked how easy these recipes are.



“But I’ve tried to change my diet before &
failed. . .”

That’s because you tried a restrictive weight loss diet that tried to take away all the
foods you love & replaced it with tiny portions of tasteless glop. This is not a weight loss
diet, you are not required to be “low carb,” & there are no restricted food groups. Plus
the recommended portion sizes are far from small – meaning zero
discipline required.


“But this seems like a lot of information, I
just don’t have the time. . .”

Legendary Potency is very easy to read and can be completed within just a few 30 to
40 minute
reading sessions before bed – no matter how busy your job is. You don’t
even need to take any action until you reach the 6-week program at the end. I’ve also
included over 100 images (many of which are old paintings of exotic women from
centuries ago) to keep things fun. . .


“But it’s $47 for a set of books. . .”

You’re right, even with today’s special price where you save $50 by acting now, Legendary Potency
is still a tad pricier than the average set of books. And that’s because it’s
not the average
set of books. You’re getting a legendary arsenal of secrets once used by
the most powerful men to ever walk the earth . . . 429 pages of them . . . and they’re reassuringly not cheap.


“But will it really work on me. . .”

Sure it will, it’s all biology. There are no mental tricks, exercises or physical techniques to
master and it doesn’t require you to be confident, intelligent, or gifted in any way. Even if you’ve
failed miserably in the past, you can do this. Just eat & drink what’s in the manual and watch the magic.


“But I’m only in my 20s. . .”

Damn you’re lucky! I wish I discovered this amazing information in my 20s. Not only are
you going to stomp out your ED in record time – you’ll be virtually immune to potency
problems for life. Just make sure not to use your new “Casanova-like” powers that come
with this for evil. . .

Look, I know I’m trying to “sell” you as hard as I can on giving Legendary Potency a
chance to help you – because believe me, I know how you are
if you’re
struggling with these problems. I know the humiliation, the hopeless feeling of
isolation, the depression and everything else!

I also know you worry about losing your wife or partner.

Even though you’ve been together for a while and she assures you “everything will be OK” you know . . . in the pit of your
stomach . . . that you better act FAST if you want to ensure the
survival of your
relationship. . .

Because let me share a rather disturbing secret with you. . .

Studies Show If You’re Not Having Sex With Your Wife

Partner At Least 10 Times a Month – You’re Walking a Very

Line & Are at High Risk For Infidelity & Divorce

According to a study by the University of Chicago – the amount of wives who cheat on their husbands has risen almost 40% in the past 24 years!

Marriage Rip

And that’s not all – another U.S. survey of over 400 married women (this one conducted by Dr. Gary Neuman, a Florida Supreme Court-certified
marriage councelor who’s twice appeared on Oprah). . .

Showed 39% admit they
physically cheated
on their husbands at least once!

And guess what the #1 reason turned out to be. . .

“A combination of emotional & sexual dissatisfaction” because she “didn’t feel appreciated” & “sex
was too infrequent

Want to know what the “magic number” for “infrequent” turned out to be? Less than 10 times a month.

Look, I don’t mean to scare you . . . but if you think you’re an emotional wreck now, just wait until AFTER
she leaves you
. Trust me, I went through exactly that & it was the worse feeling in the world!

So please . . . let me help you . . . see this yellow button below?

Add to Cart

It takes you to a secure checkout page I’ve set up, which looks exactly like this:


Where you enter your basic information to claim your personal copy of my program.

And then, on the very next page, you gain INSTANT access to everything
you’ve seen on this page. No extra charges. No hidden fees. You get lifetime access for a small one-time
payment of $47. That’s it.

Best of All – You Can Access It in Total Privacy

From Any Computer, Tablet or Smartphone

Because NOTHING about “Legendary Potency” will appear on your credit card or bank statement.

All you or anyone else will see is a $47 charge from CLKBANK*COM, which is the secure online retailer I’m using.

Book Girl

Furthermore, I’ve stacked my guarantee in a way where I take all the risk and it’s really easy for you to
rip me off and get away
with paying nothing.

Seriously, you can buy Legendary Potency today, put it through its paces, get amazing results, & ask for your money back.

And you would get your money back.

But I’m not really afraid of that . . . because I know once you experience this you’re going to see the $47 I’m asking you to
invest today is absolutely nothing!

So Right Now You Have 3 Options


Option 1:

Do nothing. Close this page and continue to live your life as
before, getting the same results you’ve been getting . . . and carry on your downward spiral towards more
feelings of inadequacy
, a sexless marriage, and who knows what else. . .


Option 2:

Use the knowledge you’ve gained so far to “wing it
and try to figure this out on your own.

But really, why would you want to go through months (if not years) of experimentation & further
suffering, when Legendary Potency removes all the guesswork and literally hands you
the solution?

That’s why you have. . .


Option 3:

Try Legendary Potency for yourself today. Click the yellow button
below & sleep soundly tonight knowing your erectile
problems will soon be a distant memory. . .

Add to Cart

Because I’m Convinced It’s Biologically Impossible For You

To Restore Your Manhood By

Following My Advice

So please . . . let me help you. It took me 18 months write these books and they are dirt cheap
compared to many of the alternatives out there. I want this to be the final solution to your problem.

Big Pharma can’t help you – they want you to buy drugs to help cover their $300 million in
criminal fines!



Remember. . . I reversed my ED after going two years without even a “chemically
induced” erection . . . after even the most hard-core drugs couldn’t help me. . .

Remember. . . I reversed my ED after going two years without even a “chemically
induced” erection . . . after even the most hard-core drugs couldn’t help me. . .

You can do it too & it’s easy to get started. You’ve spent long enough without great sex.
Don’t wait any longer

Just click the button bellow & I’ll see you soon.



To your success,

Scott Greene

P.S. Don’t forget: you get my scientifically proven “Legendary Potency” system, the “The Potent
Man’s Recipe Book,” plus my “Sex in a Bottle” guide – all for a measly one-time investment of $47. Everything is
100% private
and comes with instant access plus my 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. You literally have nothing to lose.

P.P.S. You alone know how important fulfilling sex is to you. If you’ve read all the way here,
are convinced Legendary Potency can restore your erections, but still haven’t decided to click
the “Add to Cart” button below, maybe your manhood isn’t as important to you as you think.

I recommend collecting stamps.

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Legendary Potency Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How long does it take to see results?

For most men the changes become noticeable within a week. Like all things in life, the more time you invest in it, the faster and
more dramatic your results will be. Just follow the simple instructions & everything will take care of itself.

Q: I have high blood pressure and a heart condition, is this safe &
are these any side

Legendary Potency is 100% safe assuming your doctor has given you the OK to
engage in sexual activity. There are

NO adverse side effects
or health
risks associated
with any of the natural substances you’ll be using. In fact, several of them have been
proven to lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart disease, and even help you
lose weight. . .

Q: Will following your advice make my penis

While Legendary Potency doesn’t promise to make your penis bigger than your
genetics allow, your wife or girlfriend will very likely feel as if you are, because the
harder you get, the more pleasure she feels.

Q: Will this also cure premature ejaculation?

Yes, several of the items mentioned in this program have been shown to treat
premature ejaculation. But I really wouldn’t worry about that because a few weeks from
now, you’ll likely notice that even when you do ejaculate early, you’ll just recover and be
able to get hard again after 15 to 20 minutes.

Q: I’m concerned about privacy, what will appear on my

Trust me, I understand. That’s why no mention of “Legendary Potency” will appear
anywhere on your credit card or bank statement. It will instead say “CLKBANK*COM,” the name of the secure online retailer I’m using.

Q: Is Legendary Potency a physical product? How will I obtain it
after making my purchase?

Once you complete your purchase, you’ll be immediately
redirected to a page where you’ll grab the entire program in an instantly downloadable Adobe Acrobat PDF format you can access from
anywhere in total privacy, including your phone, laptop or tablet. You’ll also receive an email with the download link so you
don’t lose it.

Please stay in touch. I am a real person with a real desire to help. If you have
or want

to reach me for any reason, my personal email address is

Click the button below right now

For just $47, I personally promise you’ll be happy you did. Again, I’m Scott
Greene and

I can’t wait to hear about your success.

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