“Inspiration – Are Your Enemies Trying to Steal Your Joy and Peace of Mind? “Do you need inspiration? Have you ever noticed that your enemies will try to stress you out the closer you are to the Lord? They may gossip and whisper about the job. They may act unsupportive and childish at church. The devil can even cause stress in your family. It can also be in your family relationship, with children or with you. This package provides the inspiration needed to navigate through enemies with joy and peace of mind. It is not necessary to be apathetic to the negative thoughts that circumstances and enemies can bring about. With this “Inspiration” package, you can be restored and refocused on the marvelous things that God is doing and will yet do in your life. This package comes from my own walk with God. Even though I have been a Pastor for over twenty years and hold a Doctorate of Ministry Degree from United Theological Seminary (Trotwood, Ohio 2003), … … my greatest credentials are that I am saved and know that God is active in being a great shepherd and host to those who trust in Him. You will never look at Psalms 23 the same, after you have experienced this “Inspiration” package. – You will learn that you have a powerful protector who loves you and is looking out for your best interest. You are not dealing with your bills, health challenges, or relational drama alone. – You will be inspired to trust the powerful protection and care of God. Trusting Him will keep you from worrying about enemies. – You will learn that direction is being given to your life, and there are rest stops along the way. You are not just wandering from one problem to another without any rhyme or reason. – You will be inspired to follow God’s direction for your life, instead of trying to make up your own directions. He knows what is best for you. – You will learn that there is restoration for you. When you cannot go another step, there is strength for your weaknesses. – You will be inspired to accept God’s restoration, even when you feel unworthy. He loves and restores you because of His name’s sake. – You will learn that God has plans for you on the other side of the dangers and problems in your life. You are not just going into danger, but through danger. – You will be inspired to trust that God will see you through the influence of your enemies. You are not destined to stay in the valley. You are going through. – You will learn that God has overfilled cups of blessings for you. You don’t have to live from hand to mouth. – You will be inspired to position your cup, so you can have more than you can handle. God has a pitcher of blessings to overfill your cup. – You will learn that God’s blessings for your life don’t end with the grave. The will of God follows you all of days of both this life and the life to come. – You will be inspired to face death with the great assurance and joy that God is already waiting for you with more blessings and love. Death doesn’t have to be frightening. – You don’t have to wait for shipping and handling. The entire package can be downloaded in minutes. You will receive six full length sermons. Souls have been saved. The burdened and depressed have been uplifted. The fearful and stressed have received inspiration by these powerful sermons. Six full length CDs would cost at least $30 by themselves. You will also receive a 42 page book of devotional messages that are a companion to the sermons. It is one thing to hear a great sermon. It is one thing to hear a great sermon. But, it feeds your intellect and emotions when you can actually read the words being preached. The book can be read at your own pace. You can also revisit it whenever you want. This book is a $10 value. And then you receive a 48 page devotional journal that allows you to soak in the inspiration and transformative power of Psalms 23, in a twenty-three day period. There is a brief devotional commentary followed by self examination questions and a prayer. You can keep a journal to record your intentions and to ensure you get the joy, peace, and blessings God has planned for you. This book is a $10 value. Thirty dollars plus $10 plus $10 equals $50. However, I really want the package to be a blessing to you, so we are offering the package for only $24.95. Because of the format I’ll be sending the package, I can offer this price. Instead of charging you for duplicating CDs, copying books, and then shipping and handling, I will be sending the package as downloadable files. Instead of waiting for days for the mail to come, within minutes after you order, you can begin listening to the audios and reading the PDF files. If you require it, there will be a PDF download available for free. These downloads are compatible with Macintosh and Microsoft. Clickbank sells my products. Clickbank is a trusted online retailer that specializes in digitally delivered products. So you will know that it is completely secure, you can … I am so confident that you will be blessed by the package that I am also giving a “100% Money Back Guarantee.” Listen to the sermons, read the book, and work through the journal for 60 days. If you are not blessed by this “Inspiration” package, I will refund 100% of your money. As an introductory offer, I am offering this package for only $19.95. However, the introductory offer will not last long. After the introductory offer, the price goes back up to the original price of $24.95. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE to purchase your package for an introductory price of only $19.95. Warning: If you don’t take advantage of this offer, enemies will keep on trying to steal your joy and peace of mind. It doesn’t matter how stressed you are. P.S. Copyright (c) 2010 – Dr. Robert E. Baines, Jr.; 2915 Timbercrest Drive (Suite #302); Cincinnati, Ohio 45238; (513) 290-1437. Feel free to click here to contact me or email me at 2009Robert@live.com From Inspiration to Home |