Dealing with and overcoming Depression.

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Kirsty talks with an award winning actress filmmaker. Suffering from depression since her early 20’s, she has decided to share her story despite the fact there is still a stigma attached to depression. C’mon over to where the discussion happens after the episode!

Meeting Jules who is so vivacious and fun, you would never imagine that she suffers from . In this episode of Kirsty TV, Jules’ shares how she identified that she was suffering with and how she learned to overcome it.

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My is that you hear something universal Jule’s story, that you connect with her raw honesty and vulnerability. Perhaps you will realize, you are not alone… I want for everyone to be at peace with who they are (warts and all) and to learn, grow & heal through hearing another person’s story.

.com is a safe place for anyone to share their story without judgement. We love and support everyone who is part of our ‘Kommunity’ and love for everyone to get involved. So please join the conversation on my blog ( and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel.

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